A girl, like no other, is on a quest to find her creator before her death date.
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Two families aligned by their mutual struggle for freedom join together to combat various challenges presented during a chaotic and war-strife America in the late 1700’s.
New Work 2
The Graphic Transitory: The Prism – Volume One
We All Come Back.
After committing suicide, SX267 reincarnates and arrives in Transitory. Angry and resentful, he wants revenge on all humanity. However, after meeting, the lovely and insightful PX607, he begins the journey of redemption and rebirth.
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Transitory: The Prism

After committing suicide, SX267 reincarnates and arrives in Transitory. Angry and resentful, he wants revenge on all humanity. However, after meeting, the lovely and insightful PX607, he begins the journey of redemption and rebirth.
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The Author
THANK YOU: Banksy, Deepak Chopra, Paulo Coelho, Jonathan Fields, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Elizabeth Gilbert, Malcolm Gladwell, Seth Godin, Lewis Howes, Aldous Huxley, P.D. James, JR, Chip Kidd, Steven Knight, Stanley Kubrick, Sidney Lumet, Debbie Millman, Toni Morrison, Walter Mosley, Bill Moyers, Carolyn Myss, Michael Neill, Andrew Niccol, Dr. Robert Pavlik, Maria Popova, Steven Pressfield, Theresa Ragan, Sebastiao Salgado, Chuck Schiller – The best mentor in the world!, Simon Sinek, Brandon Stanton, Sean Stephenson, Bryan Stevenson, The Minimalists, Krista Tippett, Guillermo Del Toro, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Iylanla Vanzant, H. G. Wells, Sandra Whitehead, Marianne Williamson and Oprah Winfrey